At the time of organizational growth/ transition, the Design of an Organization becomes extremely critical, to ensure effectiveness.
A structured approach helps to reduce costs, drive growth, and strengthen both short-term performance and long-term organizational health. We support in restructuring for evolving an optimum organization design, which involves:
Organization Structure – A dynamic aspect needing periodic review, especially during major changes in organizational functioning
Active alignment of organization design with evolving business needs
Focus on Span of control / Number of Layers
Decentralization vs Centralization
Chain of Command – Hierarchical / Matrix/ Network
Addressing capability gaps and overlapping of roles
Role - Incumbent mismatch identification and alignment
Rightsizing for efficient functioning and Cost savings
Optimizing organization design at every stage of growth as well as stagnation can help in minimizing costs and maximizing effectiveness.
You will get – Reduction in Manpower cost as % of overall fixed costs
We achieved – more than 20% reduction in people cost
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